Ice Drop tutorial

Friday, February 14, 2025



As expected, I had no time for crafting yesterday. Lucky me, today I did! There was a half day of school for students, and since there was no lunch served I had the day off.

The high school musical, Crazy for You, is in three weeks. There will be a raffle to benefit a sophomore boy who is being treated for abdominal sarcoma. I've chosen to donate a bejeweled tree to the raffle, and since it's almost Spring, I decided to go with a Spring theme.

Weather permitting, I'll be helping daughter Carol with costume alterations tomorrow. Tonight, I think I'll just relax!


  1. Your bejeweled tree will be a lovely prize, I hope the raffle is successful.

  2. The tree is beautiful. I hope the raffle brings in a ton of money to help this boy and his family.

  3. What an amazing tree! I hope it, and the whole raffle, does well.


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