Ice Drop tutorial

Monday, September 2, 2013


I like to play. When it comes to my patterns, shuttles, needles, threads, yarns... I like to play. I'm like a little kid. I pull out anything that interests me, and leave my toys scattered about.

As a result, I accomplish very little! This weekend I worked on my scarf. Mom has probably finished three in the time I've knit about a half a scarf. I started another snowflake. I started a cross in size 80.
I worked on a Spinning Wheel in Perfect Quilter (it's hidden in the little blue snap pouch). I browsed through pattern books, knitting and tatting.

I wound off thread samples, and I sipped coffee. Yes, I sipped. I like my coffee hot, and I didn't have very much hot coffee this weekend. I was too distracted to drink it while it was hot.

I wish I had taken a picture on Friday. Everything was neat and tidy. Sigh... I guess I should straighten up before I start the day. Or should I tat? I could work on my snowflake, or my cross, or my Spinning Wheel. Maybe I should spend some time with the scarf. It would be nice to spend the day reading.

Oh, drat! Here I go again!


  1. Oh, decisions, decisions, decisions. What to do is always so hard. I see something that came from my house there too!!!!
    Wonder if it's the time of the year but I've got several projects on the go too at the moment which is unlike me!!!!

  2. I am the opposite: I work on one thing at a time! - have to finish before I begin anything new.
    But I have tatting and knitting projects on the go always - I can't see to tat at night, so that's when I knit.

  3. oh, I have tatting stuff all over the place. Whenever family comes over I shove into drawers to get it out of the way. Its the number one reason I keep losing projects.

  4. Oh, you sound like me! I get so distracted with the many projects I want to do. Then the library books don't make it any easier with all the wonderful ideas THEY give me!
    My mom is the project at a time.

  5. I have just the same mess, well that's what my husband calls it, but we know what is on the table and where everything is, it might look a mess but to us it's our working pile. Hope your husband understands more than mine does.

  6. Cleaning is like stringing beads without a knot on the end of the string! :)


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