Ice Drop tutorial

Friday, October 7, 2016

Where does the time go?

As the sun was going down tonight, I was looking to the east instead of the west. The sun shining on the corn field across the road provided the most beautiful golden color. 

It's hard to believe that harvesting has begun in our area. It seems that the fields were just planted. Joanne was just here visiting with the kids when the corn was only knee high. Dave was just bringing in beets for me to can.

The days, weeks, months, and years just seem to fly by!

I was tired after subbing today. I took a little time to tat, but I just didn't have the energy to get very far. I will continue subbing. I really do enjoy it, but I'm also glad I'm retired so that I don't have to go to work every day!


  1. Beautiful pictures!! :)
    That pink glass mat is so pretty!! :)

  2. Love the landscape its beautiful and you little Matt is so sweet

  3. Love the landscape its beautiful and you little Matt is so sweet

  4. Beautiful pictures! Time does fly by.

  5. We all told you that retirement is not a quiet time!!! The time goes sooooo darn fast and seems to speed up each day!!! Love the picture.

  6. Gorgeous picture.
    The days fly by faster and faster, we told you you would wonder why you had time to work. The days seem to go faster these days even though I am semi retired, I expect them to go even faster from next March,
    The spinning wheel is looking lovely love the colour

  7. 😀 I think I could get used to retirement.... gorgeous picture!

  8. There is a beautiful light in your picture: I like the picture.

  9. What color is that mat? Gorgeous as always.


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