Ice Drop tutorial

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Where does the time go?

Christmas has snuck up on me again! Oh, I have all the presents wrapped and under the tree. The ravioli is made for Christmas Eve. I've even managed to tat a few ornaments! ;-)

However, it just struck me that today is Wednesday, and family will be descending upon us on Saturday! I need to mail off Ice Drops to some friends and relatives. I meant to do it earlier, but tatting got in the way. I'm pretty sure they won't arrive by Christmas, but I enjoy getting mail after Christmas... hopefully the recipients will feel the same way!

We're taking a two week break from sewing lessons, so the sewing machines can be put away. There's an awful lot of tidying and dusting and vacuuming to do, so I think I will crank up the volume on my iPod and sing my way to a Christmas-ready house!

I only managed to tat one Ice Drop yesterday. I subbed at the middle school, had a two-hour sewing lesson with my little girls, and took care of my sick hubby. Why is it that miserable colds seem to rear their ugly heads right before the holidays? I'm taking preventive measures for myself. I do not want to be sick this weekend!

Subbing at the middle school allowed for quite a bit of tatting time, so I made great progress on my newest Spinning Wheel glass mat. Many of the kids were taking end-of-term assessments, and I find it very easy to tat this pattern while keeping an eye on the kids. I felt especially festive using my shuttles from Rita Richmond... anything to promote the Christmas spirit!


  1. Didn't we all warn you (those who have taken the retirement path) that you'll never have time for anything once you joined us? BUT you still do and congratulations on that!!!! Love the latest spinning wheel doily. Do you make them in your sleep now - along with ice drops?

    1. Yes, you did! Still, I am amazed at what I do not accomplish! ;-)

      Just think how many I could have finished if only I could tat in my sleep!

  2. Gorgeous new spinning wheel mat, love the colour.
    You might have only made one ice drop but it's a beauty.
    Diana I cannot you step by step pattern, my iPad won't open it. Can you give me a link for it please

    1. Hmmm... this may post twice. I'm not seeing it. If you still have trouble, Margaret, please let me know. We'll figure something out!

  3. Your tatting is beautiful. Beautiful cardinal shuttle.

    1. Thank you, Gracie! I had to have the cardinal shuttle, because my mom's favorite bird is the cardinal.

  4. Busy, busy and you still manage to work on a spinning wheel mat and an ice drop!


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