Ice Drop tutorial

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


I subbed yesterday. I subbed today. I'm subbing tomorrow. Luckily, I've been able to carve out a little time for tatting!

I'm still working on Ice Drops for my dear friend Eileen. I do carry tatting with me all the time, but I haven't found much time to tat in the past week for a variety of reasons.

One of the reasons is the sweater I'm working on. Today Marly Bird released the sleeve pattern, and I've decided to be really daring and knit both sleeves at the same time!

This project has been great for me. My mom knits beautifully, and I've always admired the sweaters that she made. I'm a little late to the game. Mom did teach me to knit way back in junior high, but I had one major hiccup when trying to knit a sweater way back then, and it has taken me all this time to try again.

I'm happy that my front and back pieces are the same size, and I am eager to finish My First Sweater!


  1. You are such an encouragement to keep doing whatever craft you are working on!!! :) Thank you!! :)

  2. I have a friend that knits well and told me to knit things alike at the same time. It makes such good sense and am excited to see the out come.

    1. It does make good sense. I almost wish I had knit the front and back at the same time!


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