Ice Drop tutorial

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Deleting files


I spent most of my time yesterday and today deleting unnecessary files from my iPad. It's amazing that I've accumulated so much clutter on my iPad in the past year.

I did take a little time to work on a new double crochet cowl. With any luck, I'll finish it tomorrow.

Our Internet connection continues to be sluggish. I guess I should call our provider to see what's going on, but I seem to have better things to do than make a phone call... hahaha!


  1. Anche io ogni tanto pulisco il telefono e scopro di aver accumulato quintali di file inutili

    1. It truly is amazing! I'm still working on my iPad. I still need to work on my phone and computer, but I think I'll work at a slower pace. I need my craft time!


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