Ice Drop tutorial

Monday, January 27, 2025


I tried to post last night, but the Internet wouldn't let me... again!

I spent quite a bit of time crocheting yesterday. I really am trying to use up my yarn stash, and these Drapey Cowls have been quite popular with my friends.

My basket of leftover yarn balls was getting pretty full, so I decided to start my scrappy afghan. I crocheted a foundation chain in groups of five, but I'm not sure how many stitches there are. I just wanted an easy way to make sure I didn't skip or ad any stitches, and five is my favorite number. 

Right now, my plan is to do the afghan in half double crochet, but I may throw in a few different patterns just for fun. We'll see how that works out.

There won't be much time for crafting today. I'm subbing this morning, and Mom has a dentist appointment this afternoon. I think I'll try posting again tonight, just to see if the Internet is cooperating!

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