I've lost track again. Why? The library was a busy place today. Our new order of shuttles from Handy Hands came in, and the kids were very excited to go shopping. They can now choose from Starlit, Sunlit, and Moonlit shuttles. With so much shopping fun going on, I didn't pay close attention to who finished tatting pieces. I'm very sorry, girls!
So, all I remember is that this is a very long chain of Fancy Pants, and that this lucky little lady chose a snowflake as her prize. Could this be Dylan?
Some of the kids are fascinated by Josephine chains, especially since I told them it is an advanced technique. This little sweetheart chose a tatted egg. Is this possibly Peyton? I think I need to start taking notes when the kids are in the library!
At home, I'm working on the next round of my Russian doily. This round is very loose because of its long chains and clovers, but it will all come together in the next two rounds. I think this one is going to be stunning!