Saturday, June 6, 2015

Operator error

I had to give up on my first attempt at Robin Perfetti's very pretty snowflake, Noelle. I made two major errors...

Somehow, I twisted the chain before joining to the picot. I didn't notice until I'd finished another spoke of the snowflake.

I was watching t.v. while tatting this afternoon, and I skipped a section of chain. It just wasn't worth it to  untat my mistakes, so I just started over.

Luckily, Robin's pattern is well written and really easy to follow. I should easily finish this tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to the release of the full set of snowflakes!

My crocheted button flower collection is growing!

... and growing!

and growing!


  1. Sometimes you just have to start over!

  2. Tatting while tele-watching can be Quite distracting .... don't I know it ;-P
    Robin's penchant for detailed precision & perfection won't leave much for you test tatters to worry about ;-))
    Wouldn't the crocheted buttons now fill your lovely bowl ? Would love to see a photo of that!

  3. I love Robin's snowflakes and if I had nickel for every time I twisted a chain (on any pattern) I would have 10$ at least :) I am working on her lovely pattern too and should post a picture maybe today. Love the purple buttons and the pretty flowery buttons too you have taken this flower buttons to a whole another level :)

  4. The snowflake I am test tatting is also well written and lovely, I started it yesterday, I was watching the F1 while doing it and I had to unpick a ring I joined it in the wrong place, blame the beaver that was on the track, I just had to unpick half of it and tat it so nothing major.
    Your snowflake looks lovely.
    Buttons are looking lovely
    Look forward to seeing your finished snowflake

  5. Very beautiful snowflake!!! :)
    Lots, and lots, and lots of more fun flowers!!! :)


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