Friday, September 23, 2016

Subbing in the high school

I had my second sub job today! It was a pre-arranged day, so the lesson plans were well defined, making it an easy day for me. Good thing, because I was subbing for upper level math classes and I am definitely NOT a math person!

Since I was not asked to grade papers, I had time to tat during the teacher's plan time. I know it's not much, but I am pleased with any progress! 


  1. I would think you would be good at math (all this counting) :) I don't care too much, it's the fun of tatting :)

  2. I would think you would be good at math (all this counting) :) I don't care too much, it's the fun of tatting :)

  3. Wonderful colour! I can see you're going to spend more time subbing than you did in the library.

  4. Gee, that's a nice blue. New experiences are good for the soul, and subbing wages are good for the stash!

  5. Beautiful colour, I am not a maths person either, so I would have been tatting too,

  6. Yikes...math at any level scares me! Love this blue!!!

  7. Beautiful blue!!! :) Looks like a finer thread size.

  8. I agree with Jane M! This might be setting a precedent! Glad it wasn't stressful!
    Are they former students? I'm sure they were happy to see you! And you got some tatting in, too! Hope the craft show works out for you!

    1. Yes, most of them are former students. I only signed up to sub in our school district. I prefer familiar places!


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