Monday, December 11, 2017

Too busy to tat!

December is starting out way busier than I ever would have thought!

Once again, I am suffering from Ice Drop withdrawal. Although I took tatting with me to Christmas in the Village, there really wasn't any time to tat, and when I arrived home I was too tired. Yesterday, Dave decided we needed to organize and clean upstairs. Yes, it needed to be done... I had craft supplies everywhere! It truly looked like a craft store had exploded. You can ask my grandchildren. I'm sure they will confirm my description of the place.

We started at 8 and finished close to 1, with only one cookie and coffee break to show for it. Yes, ladies and gents, it was that bad. Now everything is stashed neatly away in bins and boxes, hidden in closets and under beds. My goal for the new year will be to bring down one container at a time and sort through it. There's no way everything will fit in my sewing room, but I will need to be ruthless if I don't want to crawl under a bed to find a tatting supply. I believe I do have too much stuff!

There won't be much, if any, tatting today or tomorrow. I'm subbing at the elementary school, and I already know the days will be full. So, no pictures, no tatting... but I will have a fun filled two days with kids!


  1. Ah well, there’s a time for all things. Sometimes it’s time for cleaning! I hope subbing goes smoothly.

  2. You are inspiring me to get to work on organizing things here, but the procrastinator inside me is not thrilled at all!! ;)


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