Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Half Duet

Yesterday turned out to be a very busy day, so I only managed to tat one Curds & Whey bookmark.

When I woke up this morning, Curds & Whey was still on my mind. I didn't think I had enough gold thread left on my shuttle, so I decided to experiment with Duet. Both patterns are from Tatting with Visual Patterns by Mary Konior.

My original plan was to tat half of Duet in gold and half in cranberry. However, with size 10 thread it would not have fit in the bookmark sleeve. I was going to stop with large rings, but I felt I needed small rings to finish it off. Wouldn't you know, I forgot to reverse my work after the last large ring!

It looks okay for a bookmark, but I'll pay closer attention next time!


  1. Both look great!! :)
    You must be growing a pretty large bookmark collection!! ;)

    1. Ha! I only have five in the house. They're disappearing almost as quickly as I make them!

  2. Mary Konior’s patterns need some attention, don’t they? Very effective bookmarks, I think it’s a great idea to use short lengths as bookmarks.

    1. Definitely! I've made so many mistakes while tatting these, but I look at each mistake as a learning experience.

  3. Duet is one of my favorites. I just haven't found a color combination that I like. Gold/cranberry sounds yummy!

    1. Duet is very pretty! I can't believe I've taken so long to try tatting it!

  4. You bookmarks a so very nice.... lucky those who receive them.


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