Friday, May 1, 2020

No tatting today

While working in my sewing room yesterday, I found fabric and pillow forms that I meant to use for Dave's and my chairs. Somehow, everything got tucked away and never used.

So this morning, I decided it was time to sew up those pillows!

Our old pillows were well worn and ready to be replaced. I briefly thought about trying to center motifs, but I knew it would drive me crazy if they were off even a little bit. Instead, I just cut the fabric and sewed them up. I'm very happy with the way they turned out.

I didn't take a picture of my tree filled with April Ice Drops until this morning.

There were 36 this month! The tree is now empty and ready for the month of May. Will I have the energy to tat my first May Ice Drop before heading off to bed? We'll see!


  1. You did awesome Ice Drop Queen!!! :)
    Great pillows!

  2. She is right you areπŸ˜ƒ your trying to go for the record aren't you?

    1. Haha! I don't know about the record, but I do have to use up the glass gems and thread I have in the house!

  3. Wow, fabulous April collection! Good that the fabric has been put to use and you have sparkling new cushions.

    1. Thanks, Jane! The old ones really were ratty, and the new ones are nice and comfy!

  4. My tatting friends have already the words right out of my mouth 😍

  5. Replies
    1. Haha! I'm just good at following directions... most of the time!


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