Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Elderberry Jam

Yesterday I tatted a Doodle Ice Drop and most of a cross in size 80. When I got home from school, I found a mistake, so I snipped off the thread and started over. A couple of hours later, I looked at the discarded piece and realized I hadn't made a mistake after all. Too late! Next time I think something needs to be snipped, I'm going to set it aside for a couple of hours just to be sure!

I really wasn't discouraged about working with the size 80 thread, so today I re-tatted Maria from Tatted Bookmarks ~ cross-shaped by Lene Bjorn. I'm so happy I did! I think it looks wonderful in Elderberry Jam, and it matches my personalized shuttle!


  1. Oh no, I’ve done that too, cut the mistake that wasn’t. I liked the bold white cross, but the purple is certainly daintier.

  2. Both are fabulous!!! :)
    I have tatted and thought I made a mistake, cut it out and found out I didn't make a mistake also. It's frustrating!!

  3. Impulsive snipping is my excuse for having multiple projects going. That way the potential error can sit and percolate while I make progress on something.


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