Thursday, August 17, 2023

Simple quilt tops


I finished Janko's quilt top yesterday morning. I could have done something fancy, but I really like the look of squares sewn together. The interest will come with the quilting... I hope!

I started piecing the strips for Kara's quilt yesterday afternoon. I didn't last very long. Six hours at a sewing machine is a lot!

Yesterday was move in day at college for granddaughter Lily. I remember my college move in day like it was yesterday. I was nervous, excited, and scared as I watched my parents drive away. I wonder if Lily felt the same?


  1. Molto bello il lavoro fatto per Janko e sta venendo benissimo anche quella per Lily che ha dei colori vivacissimi

  2. Six hours is too much for me! The quilt tops look really good, as they are, without quilting.

  3. The quilt tops are nice! I bet your granddaughter was feeling the same way you did. I did too when moving out. She will accommodate though.


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