Wednesday, September 13, 2023

A new toy

Mom, Janet, and I had a wonderful weekend together. Janet arrived Thursday afternoon as I was getting home from school, and she was able to stay until after I left Monday morning.

On Friday and Saturday, we took Mom shopping and out to lunch. Mom said it was like a mini vacation, and Janet and I agreed. Sunday was kind of a lazy day. Dave worked out in the yard, and Janet and I helped a little bit here and there.

I had jury duty on Monday and had to leave early. Janet was able to stay until after lunch. I'm glad of that, because I didn't get home until later afternoon.

As for the new toy...

It's a Sentro knitting machine, and this morning I cranked out my first twisted headband.

I learned a lot from this project. One thing is, I think these look better on people with long hair!

I took my sample to school, and the kids loved it. This may become my project for the year!

Since I had such positive feedback, I decided to crank out another one this afternoon. I switched tables and found that one 4" shorter worked a little better for me. 

The machine is a little noisy, so I know Dave would not appreciate me cranking while we're watching t.v. So, I think I'll crank in the daytime and do the finishing at night. I wonder how many I can make in a day?


Just like you, I love getting feedback!