Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Trying something new

I love my gnomes, but I wanted to add a bit of stability. My very first gnome has a little baggie of craft beads in the bottom for weight. I didn't like the way that worked out. So, all of my gnomes up until now have only been filled with fiber fill or yarn scraps. That's great for softness factor, but I found that they didn't always stand up well. 

I purchased some 2" buttons and have sewn them to the bottom of a few gnomes. I still have to play with them a bit to get the correct balance, but they do stand up better.

Which do you think is more important, to have a gnome that will stand up or to have one that can be cuddled?


  1. I was thinking the bottoms were weighted with something like sand or rice. I am sure you will figure it out. It seems as though many people love them as they are. ;)

    1. Now that I've tried a few, I'm going to stick with my original way of making them. Cuddle factor is important!

  2. If they're strictly for decoration purposes, I think I'd rather have them with the button or with some sort of weight in the bottom. If they're for a child, I'd go with a 'cuddly' one.

    1. I've given up on the buttons for now. I prefer them cuddly!

  3. Replies
    1. I've decided to stick with the way I've been doing them, because that's what makes me happy! I'll find something else to do with the buttons.

  4. Putting dried beans in the bottom of the toys helps for stability. If you don’t want to use beans they sell plastic beans for this purpose. I avoid buttons with any child toy.

  5. My first thought is this: add a small fabric bean bag/juggling ball/hacky sack sort of thingy for weight and surround it with fiberfill for cuddle-factor. Best of both options! Let me know if you try it. 😀

    1. I did try that with my very first gnome. It didn't work very well. I think I'll stick with cuddly!


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