Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Today I was reminded of the importance of sharing. I'm not talking about sharing patterns. That's a big no-no in my book. Instead, I mean sharing what I have learned from patterns, mistakes I have made and how I corrected them. So...

This is my progress on Cosmos from Bonded with tatting ~ doilies by Laura Bziukiewicz. First let me say that I LOVE this pattern. The center (in blue) is the most intricate first round of a doily I have ever tatted. 

The only problem I have had so far, is that I forgot to tat the last section of chain on the first round. I did go back and add it, but it would have looked nicer if I had tatted it in the first place!

So, why the sharing part? A long time tatting friend asked me today for help with Jan Stawasz's Monster Doily. I call it the Masterpiece Doily, but since many in the tatting world call it the Monster Doily I am using that term so that others know what I'm talking about. 

My copy of the pattern is tucked away somewhere safe. I am in the midst of reorganizing once again, and I'm not quite sure where I placed it. However, when my friend sent me a picture of the part she found confusing, I knew just what she was talking about. I went back to my blog posts from July 2015, sure that I had made note of my problem and how I solved it. I had not!

Is it too late to start making notes of problems and how I've fixed them. I think not!


  1. Certainly not too late, and a good idea. Sharing solutions to problems is part of the joy of belonging to a tatting community.

  2. Your current project looks fabulous!

  3. That doily is looking like summer!! :)
    I think it would be great to have someone showing how to correct mistakes. ;)

  4. I think it was Elizabeth Zimmerman who said to "Knit with a pencil". Tatting with a pencil is also a good idea to record notes about the pattern.
    Your doilies from this book are beautiful.


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