Thursday, August 25, 2011

Oh, dear!

I didn't realize that it's been so long since I've posted! I've been busy getting ready for school (we started Monday), and I had a few quilting odds and ends to finish up. My tatting has been sporadic, and not at all productive. I've started several cross bookmarks, and I've abandoned every single one. I guess I have too much school stuff on my mind. I just can't seem to follow a pattern correctly!

I don't see much tatting time in the next couple of weeks, but I will be back!


  1. Ha, that's okay, Diane....I forgive you! I understand about not being able to follow a pattern if you have other things on your mind. I look forward to seeing what you are up to when you can. :)

  2. Ahhh - it's that time of year again! Getting back into more of a routine instead of the relaxing, free days of summer. I am finding myself distracted these days too - my favorite time and weather of year :)

  3. As much as we would like to tat every day, sometimes we must take care of non-tatting tasks so we can start with a clean slate. We understand.

    Looking forward to your return!


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