Thursday, May 26, 2016

Close to the end

Tonight was the preschool recognition ceremony. Tomorrow is the last day for the kids. Tuesday is teacher institute day. Yikes! The end is drawing near!

I'd better get crackin' if I'm going to finish this Spinning Wheel glass mat tomorrow. Where has the week gone?


  1. But it's not the end - it's the beginning of a new career called 'retirement'. Best career I've ever had!!!

  2. So true! Luckily, I think I'm better prepared for this one!

  3. So many ceremonies and activities ! This is all new to me, and very interesting . Have fun :-)
    I agree with Jane !!

  4. Have fun :-)
    I agree with Jane !!

  5. Another beautiful spinning wheel, mine is still being tatter I keep getting distracted.
    It might be the end but retirement is the start of a new exciting life, just think you can get up when you want, go where you want, and go to bed when you want, the world is your oyster.

  6. I'm truly stunned how quickly this has all happened, as the kids around here are still in school for a few more weeks!

    I assume you are officially retired now, and I'm sure 'teacher institute day' will give you an opportunity to reflect on your marvelous career, although apparently you will be substituting occasionally!

    I congratulate you on being such a wonderful inspiration for your students, who I know will always remember you! And welcome to a time of freedom and exciting new opportunities! I have a feeling that you will continue to get up early in the morning, as you're one of the 'early birds'!


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