Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Chain, chain, chain

When I first started working on Ice Drops over a year ago, this is the look I was going for. It took me almost a year to figure out how the leave off the extra chain around the center bead, despite the fact that other wonderful tatters figured it out and gave instructions. I can be a bit thick at times. I do like this look, but the funny thing is that I've become quite fond of those chains around the center. I can add beads, picots, or leave them plain.

Chain, chain, chain...


  1. I wonder how many you have made? You make them so very perfectly I don't think no two are alike💖❄💖

    1. I know it's more than 300, because I've given away at least 300. Sometimes it's better not to know! ;-)

  2. So how do you do it?? It does have a good clean look. Now you have options.

    1. First, I think of the pattern round (the first round) as the back side of the Ice Drop. I think of the encasement round as the front side. Tat the first ring of the back side (4-4---4-4); reverse work. Tat the first ring of the front side (6-6-6); do not reverse work; fold the ring down, pick up the ball thread and tat the chain (6-6); reverse work; repeat sequence going around. Let me know if it works for you!

  3. Both ways have appeal, don't they? This one is particularly lovely with the gorgeous center bead offset so beautifully by white.

  4. I enjoy seeing all your tatting projects and wish I could do it. Hugs, lj

  5. Obdivujem Vašu krásnu prácu.Aj ja vnikám do tajov frívolitky,len mám jednu nevýhodu ,neovládam žiadnu cudziu reč,len odpozorovávam z obrázkov alebo youtube.Pri prekladaní prekladačom sú preložené nezmysly.Želám Vám veľa úspechov v tal krásnej záľube


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