Thursday, February 27, 2025



Crafting has been a bit awkward since I sliced my finger the other day. I decided to attempt crochet first, figuring that working with a thicker fiber would be easier. Luckily, I only had a couple of rounds left to do on the top cowl. I found that if I moved the yarn closer to my hand, I was able to crochet. It took a bit of time to figure out how to adjust my tension, but I did it!

I supped Tuesday and Wednesday, so I worked on these two cowls and managed to finish them both.

This morning I decided it was time to test out tatting, and I think I did pretty well. It did take more time to finish a pattern repeat, but I wasn't deterred by how long it took. I'm actually quite pleased!

It seems that typing is my biggest challenge right now. I'm a touch typist, and I find that I'm making tons of mistakes. It's driving me a little crazy!


  1. I’m glad you’re managing to get things done in spite of your cut finger. I’m sure you’ll soon be back up to speed and precision.

  2. Glad you're managing to crochet and tat. The typing will be better again once the finger heals. It's hard to wait, though. :-)

  3. Your cowls look terrific!! :)
    I love how beautiful your doily is growing!! :)

  4. Diane, consider Liquid Skin. (walgreens, amazon, etc) Goes on like nail polish and closes those pesky hand injuries.


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