Friday, February 7, 2025

Just one

Well, I did it. I overworked my hands, and my right hand is really sore today. I'm pretty sure crocheting was my downfall. I wasn't successful trying to crochet a few stitches today, but I was able to do one pattern repeat on Renulek's Spring Doily 2025. I was very careful to not do too much today. I did quite a few hand exercises throughout the day, and my hand feels so much better than it did this morning. I'm not going to push it. I plan on taking it easy through the weekend. You'd think I'd know by now to not overdo it!


  1. Very frustrating when you have so many projects on the go, but it’s sensible to heed the warning signs.

  2. It's beautiful! Hope your sore hand(s) get better very soon. Better to take a break than to push through and risk not being able to ANYTHING for much longer.


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