Grizzly Mountain Arts!
These are the rules..
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog;
2. Link the person you received your award from;
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs;
4. Put links of those blogs on yours; and
5. Leave a message on the blogs that you’ve nominated.
Starting with #1... I don't have time to figure out how to put the logo on my blog this morning... but, it's really cute!
#2... you can see it on Grizzly Mountain Arts' blog!
#3... how can I limit myself to 3? I nominate...
The entire Tatted Ring of Bloggers... you all inspire me to keep on tatting! So, fellow tatters, please consider this my message to you that I "heart" your blogs!
Knitspot by Anne Hansen... Anne's gardening adventures make me want to live exclusively on fresh vegetables, but I really read her blog because of her wonderful lace knitting!

Now, on to business... my peg looms arrived yesterday, so I'm headed off to school early! Our library theme this year is "Weave your way through the library!" The kids are really excited about this, and I realized the first day that one inkle loom was not going to be enough to satisfy all these students! So, I ordered 3 peg looms... one each for the easy reader section, nonfiction section, and fiction section. The kids get to weave one row for every book they read. The kids have only been checking out books for a week, but some of them have already read enough books to weave several rows! One 4th grader has come in to check out a new book each morning! I love working with kids!