I've been reading a lot about blinged shuttles on blogs and over at InTatters, so I decided to give it a go. Having absolutely no experience, I decided to do a little research first. I found
Amy Anderson's Mod Podge blog, and asked her for some advice. Amy very graciously answered my e-mail, and I followed her advice. First, I sealed the scrapbooking paper I chose with a sealer to help prevent wrinkling. I think I may choose a thinner paper next time... origami paper? I'd also like to try fabric to see how it works. I wasn't very careful as I was working. I just kind of slopped everything on and hoped for the best.

This morning, I used a craft knife to trim away the excess paper. Overall, I'm pretty pleased with the result. I should have followed all of Amy's advice, though. I should have done one side at a time instead of trying to cover everything at once. Live and learn!

I've tatted quite a bit this week, but I didn't really finish anything! Yes, I did finish a couple of tiny motifs, but I was just trying to use up shuttle thread, so I don't think that counts! You can see two Stumpy motifs, but I'm only keeping the one on the right. The one on the left is too sloppy. After I finish a matching motif, I'll send these off the Chris Hinton to be shuttle-fied! I've been working on my Clover doily, but I haven't gotten very far. My Dragon Wing Doily is at a stand-still... I'll leave that story for a separate post!
Today is Dave's and my 30th wedding anniversary! We were married 10/10/80 at 10 a.m. Dave chose the date and time so that he could remember our anniversary... smart man! The other day I read that this weekend is special. Once every 823 years, we have an October with 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays. Imagine the universe arranging such a special weekend just for us! Oh, if it were only true! I checked it out, and this year's calendar is exactly the same as 1999. Still, it is kind of cool to have a month with 5 Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, especially since 5 is my favorite number! (My maiden name is Diane Carol Green... 5 - 5 - 5... Thanks for making my name so special Mom and Dad!) So, this morning at 10 a.m. on 10/10/10, we will officially celebrate 30 years of marital bliss. Hmmm... maybe I'd better check with Dave to see if he thinks it's been blissful! ; )