Saturday, July 6, 2024

Ta da!

I am so pleased with the way this doily turned out! Even Dave thinks it's beautiful, and he doesn't often comment on things I've tatted.

I started this doily on February 22, daughter Andrea's birthday. This one goes to her. 

I used size 20 Lizbeth in the following colors: 623 Raspberry Pink Lt, 170 Pineapple Parfait (2 balls), 679 Lime Green, 696 Autumn Orange Med, 657 Ocean Turquoise Dk, 695 Bright Orange, and 183 Orange Crush. 

The finished size is 30.5". This is the second largest piece I've tatted, the largest being Jan Stawasz's Masterpiece (some call it the monster doily) that I finished January 1, 2016. That one is 32".

So, what's next? I think I'll return to Laura Bziukiewicz's book Bonded with tatting ~ doilies. I have "Star of Bethlehem" started, but I need to find where I put it. I think I'll move on to "Hannah". It will be a quick and easy tat in comparison to Renulek's Spring Doily 2024!


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Finished on the 4th!


I just finished tatting Renulek's Spring Doily 2024 a few minutes ago. I achieved my goal!

Tomorrow I will wash and block it. Then I'll post a final picture. This was a very enjoyable pattern to tat, and I'm glad I spent the time focusing on it.

I think it's time for some simple projects!

Tuesday, July 2, 2024