I can't believe I've finished the second edging repeat already! I am pleased to announce that the directions made sense to me!
If you care to try it out, here's my pattern...
Tribute to Myra
Doily center – Motif #12 from Tatting by Myra Piper.
Wind two shuttles for tatting continuous thread method.
First join is at picot indicated by the arrow.
R 5 + 5. Do not reverse work.
Ch 5 – 5. Reverse work.
R 5 - 5. Do not reverse work.
*R 5 – 3 – 3 – 5. Reverse work.
Ch 5. Reverse work.
R 5 + 5 – 5 – 5. (Join is to last picot of previous ring.) Reverse work.
Ch 5. Reverse work.
R 5 + 3 – 3 – 5. (Join is to last picot of previous ring.) Do not reverse work.
R 5 – 5. Reverse work.
Ch 5 + 5. (Join is to picot on opposite chain.) Do not reverse work.
R 5 + 5 (Join to next picot on center motif.) Do not reverse work.
Ch 5. Do not reverse work.
R 3 – 3 + 3 – 3 – 3 – 3. (Join is to next picot on center motif.) Do not reverse work.
Ch 5 – 5. Reverse work.
R 5 + 5. (Join to picot on opposite ring.) Reverse work.
Ch 5. Reverse work.
R 3 – 3 – 3 – 3. Reverse work.
Ch 5. Reverse work.
R 5 – 5. Reverse work.
Ch 5 + 5 (Join is to picot on opposite chain.) Do not reverse work.
R 5 – 3 + (to 4th picot of opposite ring) 5 + (to next picot on center motif) 5 + (to next picot on center motif) 5 – 3 – 5. Do not reverse work.
Ch 5 – 5. Reverse work.
R 5 + 5. Reverse work.
Ch 5. Reverse work.
R 3 – 3 – 3 – 3. Reverse work.
Ch 5. Reverse work.
R 5 – 5. Reverse work.
On last repeat, join to opposite ring.Ch 5 + 5 (Join to picot on opposite ch.) Do not reverse work.
R 3 – 3 + (Join to next to last picot of large ring.) 3 – 3 + (Join to next picot on center motif.) 3 – 3. Do not reverse work.
Ch 5. Do not reverse work.
On last repeat, join to next small ring joined to center motif. Cut and tie. Hide ends.R 5 + 5. (Join to next picot on center motif.) Do not reverse work.
Ch 5 – 5. Reverse work.
R 5 + 5 (Join to opposite ring.)
Repeat from *.