and everything in its place... that's my New Year's Resolution! I'm terrible at resolutions, but I'm really going to try this year. After all, I have some wonderful inspiration. This is my Christmas present from my wonderful husband. I mentioned months ago that I was thinking of some sort of shadow box for displaying some of my shuttles. I thought Dave was busy building a bed in the basement, but instead, he was building this wonderful lighted display! As you can see, I've already put many of my blinged shuttles in the case. Some are in use right now, so I filled in with some "blank" shuttles.

We've had a very busy Christmas holiday. I'm not quite ready to go back to school tomorrow, but I really have no choice. We spent Christmas Eve at my sister-in-law's house eating homemade ravioli and playing Trivial Pursuit Christmas Edition. My family hates playing Trivial Pursuit with me. I make wild guesses that are often correct. They think I'm really smart... boy, do I have them fooled!
We spent Christmas Day at home, and then we headed to Minnesota the day after. We had a lovely visit with daughters Andrea and Joanne and their families, and then we headed home Wednesday. On Friday, daughter Alison and family arrived to spend New Year's Eve with us. We managed to stay up to watch the ball fall in New York City, and then we all crashed.
New Year's Day was pretty relaxed. We watched movies with the kids, ate lots of food, and just enjoyed each other's company.

When we returned from Minnesota, I went to the post office to pick up our mail. My exchange package from Trayna arrived! I wonder what Dave would say if I tried to tempt him with some Haggis? I'm really excited about the pattern book, and I love the tatted piece. Thank you for all the goodies, Trayna!
This was the first year I participated in Christmas exchanges, and I really enjoyed it. I love getting surprises in the mail.
I've spent five hours today working with computers. First I helped Dave put contacts in his Yahoo account so that he could use his email on his new iPad. Dave does not enjoy technology at all, but I'm slowly dragging him into the 21st century! He's now addicted to Angry Birds and Luxor. He even asked me to buy the full version of Angry Birds. What have I done?
Next, I tried figuring out what I did to my computer system... I can't print! Yesterday my son-in-law helped me set up my new router, and now I keep getting a communication error. I've had this problem before, but I can't remember how I solved it. My brain is tired, so I think I'll let it go for a while.
In the meantime, I want to get back to my old routine. I feel completely out of practice with both tatting and blogging! I feel like it's been f-o-r-e-v-e-r...