Killian was feeling the chill in northern Illinois, so when he heard we were driving to southern Alabama to visit Mom, he begged to go along. He's been very patient with my lack of tatting (I just had to crochet sock edgings for my three granddaughters), so I agreed to let him come on the condition that he behave and not wander away!

Killian felt very much at home in Mom's apartment, even though he had to share the spotlight with Sparkle! Sparkle Plenty, her full name (take note Dick Tracy fans), was in need of a day at the spa. She'd missed her regular spa day because of a nasty little virus, and she was feeling a bit shaggy.

Killian was happy to get in the van for a trip to Fairhope, Alabama. Fairhope is in Baldwin County, and it's the town where Mom and Dad retired 19 years ago... my, how time flies!

Killian was so excited, it was hard to keep him in one place! No, we did not have a seat belt for him to wear, more's the pity!

Our first stop in Fairhope was at Sparkle's favorite spa, Pet Haven.

Please take not of how shaggy Sparkle was looking before her day at the spa. Killian couldn't believe that any pup would let herself go like that. He can be very judgmental and uncaring... after all, poor Sparkle had been ill!

Despite Killian's poor manners, the lady at the register graciously agreed to have her picture taken with our adventurous little lep!

Our next stop was Mom's favorite coffee shop, Latte Da... yummy coffee!

The ladies fixed hot cocoa for Mom, house blend for Dave, and Almond Joy for me... I had the best one, of course!

Killian was a bit disgruntled because there was no Irish coffee for him. I told him it was too early in the day!

After warming up (it was chilly for lower Alabama), we explored Page & Palette, the adjoining book store. I found some wonderful Christmas books on sale, and Killian made another friend!

The shops weren't open yet, so we strolled around town and found the brick that my Grandma Green purchased for the beautification of Fairhope. Killian was impressed.

With plenty of time before the shops opened, we decided to go down by the bay. Killian was quite impressed that there were roses in bloom, so we stopped to smell the roses.

We then went to see the ducks. This lady was carrying on quite a conversation with this duck... it lasted the whole time we were there!

Killian was thrilled to find a seashell on the beach.

We then headed back in to town to shop at the Church Mouse, one of my favorite stores! While in there, I purchased a Brown Betty teapot, a tea cozy, and some scone mix.

Maryann, the owner, graciously allowed us to take a picture of her with Killian. The shop is filled with English and Scottish goodies. Killian seemed to be okay with the fact that there was nothing Irish there.

The next stop was the Fairhope welcome center, where we chatted with two lovely ladies about the joys of living in or near Fairhope. Visitors to the Grand Hotel love to shop in Fairhope!

Neither Dave nor I had ever visited the Fairhope Museum, and Mom had not been there since they renovated it. It was fascinating!

Killian couldn't believe there were live plants in December... he fairly leaped out of my hands to get a closer look!

Killian decided that Fairhope was just fine once he saw this beautiful harp!

The little rascal thought the jail was fabulous!

Mom and I were in awe of the beautiful lace!

Marietta Johnson founded the Organic School. She believed in the development of the whole person, and integrated the arts into the curriculum. I wonder what she'd think of No Child Left Behind? ; )

We just had to visit Christmas Round the Corner! The ornaments were fabulous! Most were way beyond my budget, but I do have a few pretties for my tree next year!

Killian was a bit insulted that the girls behind the counter kept calling him an elf, and they tried to charge me for him twice! All was forgiven once I told them his background. They were very pleased to have an elf, oops! a lep from Ireland in their shop!

Lucky us! We met Laura aka Tattycat and her husband Bill for lunch. It was great to see each other again! I sure wish we lived closer to each other!

After lunch, we picked Sparkle up from the spa and headed home to rest. Yes, Sparkle looked lovely once again, but it was time for all of us to sit down and rest... we were all a wee bit tired!