Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The hurrier I go...

...the behinder I get! That's the feeling these days, yet somehow I manage to get a few things accomplished. The past week has been filled with activity... Dave's birthday, Aidan's soccer game, the middle school boys' regional baseball game, meetings, weaving, and tatting!

I'm almost halfway around the final round of Mom's Pink Doily by Nancy Tracy. I know that once I'm two-thirds around there will be no stopping me! In the meantime, it's two or three rings here, two or three rings there. Little by little, I'm getting it done!


  1. I have that feeling at the moment too. One of the learners at my tatting day had downloaded the pattern for that doily. Do you think it's ok for a beginner?

  2. Ha! One of my dad's favorite sayings, and one I find myself using often, as well! Your doily is looking great.

  3. You're making really good progress for having so many things going on! Sometimes it's hard to find the time to tat, blog, and do everything else that needs to be done.

  4. Looking lovely so far, I am suffering the same thing at the moment too.

  5. Nice color and love that pattern. I made one for my daughter and a customer loved it! Nice to know people know what tatting is.


  6. Oh , I know that felling! Sympathy. But at least you are tatting!!

  7. Stopping by to see that you are still tatting rings and staying very busy. I am off to make two gift Origami purses you first showed me on your blog. Lots to do...always. Creative Bliss Dear...

  8. Olá,

    Adoro frivolité...seus trabalhos são lindos. Parabéns!




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