Sunday, June 16, 2024


Today marks 17 years of blogging fun! Granted, I don't blog nearly as frequently as I used to, but I haven't given blogging up completely yet.

Next weekend is the drama club's summer showcase. There will be raffle tables at both performances, and I was asked to make gnomes. I'm not finished making gnomes yet, but I've been working on them like crazy for the past two weeks. I hope the fund raiser is a success!


  1. So cute! I really enjoy your blogs.

  2. Your gnomes will be a wonderful contribution to the fundraiser. Congratulations on your blogversary.

  3. Love your gnomes, so much character and also reading about your activities on your blog.

  4. Oh my!! Gnome infestation!! ;) At least they make people happy instead of what most infestations make people. ;) :)


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