Friday, June 28, 2024

Busy week

Mom and I have had a busy week with hair cuts, doctor appointments, and having fun!

Mom took apart her Addi King knitting machine to give it a good cleaning. She's been watching videos so that she can  keep everything in order. There have been a couple of hiccups such as dropping screws, but she now has a clean machine that's ready for action!

I've been working on my doily, with only 19 pattern repeats left before I can move on to the final round. I'm not sure that the 4th of July is an achievable goal. I just realized yesterday that it's less than a week away!

Reorganizing is still a priority, and I'm finding that Mom and I need never shop for yarn again. In fact, we're avoiding our favorite stores so that we won't be tempted. In an attempt to use up our stash, I've started cranking out gnomes and twisted headbands again. If I have enough yarn for a larger project, I'm setting that aside. However, Mom and I tend to go shopping and buy individual skeins of colors that appeal to us.

Mom has also been working on reducing her stash. She's been making beanies, lap throws, and baby buntings. Because of our industrious set of mind, we now have quite a stash of beanies, lap throws, baby buntings, twisted headbands, and gnomes!

I guess it is easier to give away a finished piece than to show someone a skein of yarn!


  1. Your mum is very brave to take the machine apart! Sounds like you’re both putting your stash to good use.

  2. Value addition is always valued! It is so nice to have a constant and resident crafting companion in your mother.


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