Monday, January 13, 2025

A bit too chilly

We had a high of 18° today, and normally the cold weather doesn't both me. Today, however, I could not get my hands to warm up. That meant that my fingers would not cooperate with my thread and shuttle. Still, I did manage to tat a little.

Since my hands weren't cooperating, I decided to try crochet. It was slow going, but I did manage to finish the cowl I started the other day.

Since the crocheting was going so well, I decided to start another. It's been fun giving these away, especially since it's been pretty cold here!




  1. Handy to be able to do more than one craft!

  2. Fare dei lavoretti è sempre rilassante e poi per chi riceve qualcosa di fatto a mano è sempre una immensa gioia

  3. I missed your blog posts when you took some time off.

    1. I guess I just got out of the habit of blogging, and I missed recording many of the fun projects I completed in the past year.


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