Dave brought home this beautiful bouquet of roses last night. I love roses! I got to thinking about Sherry Pence's offer to blend colors and name them to order. Hmmm... white, yellow, pale peach, deep peach, pale pink, deep pink. red, deep green... too many colors? What name would work for this blend of colors? Roses won't do... I already have Marilee's Roses (absolutely gorgeous!), and my idea for a color blend can't compete. Any ideas?
Update: My mom suggests Petals. Why didn't I think of that?
I would take the colors from yellow through deep pink, and maybe throw in a bit of lavender/pink, then call it Sunset. Maybe Vacation Sunset, because my most memorable sunsets are when we are on vacation.
ReplyDeleteOoh, I like that!
ReplyDeleteYour Mother is smart, Petals would be a great name. Your Roses are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHhhhhm I am excited already. With that many colors there will be very quick color changes....it may look a lot like my "Sunset Clouds" which, to date, is my very favorite HDT. You could have a winner on your hands!