Friday, August 2, 2024

Movin' along


I finished round 6 of Cosmos from Bonded with tatting ~ doilies by Laura Bziukiewicz right before heading off to bed last night. I didn't think I had accomplished much today, but when I took a photo it looked like I really had accomplished quite a bit. My morning was taken up with some necessary chores: laundry, banking, grocery shopping, and a little household organizing. 

My sister Janet arrived around noon. None of us had eaten lunch, so Mom, Janet, and I went out to eat and picked up some carry out for Dave. After that, there was dinner prep, kitchen cleanup, and then some well deserved rest on the front porch. I really don't know when I had time to tat as much as I did.

Janet's granddaughter has been doing quite a bit of painting on tiles this summer. When Janet was down visiting earlier this summer, she took my very faded garden gnome home with her and asked Abigail to restore him. She did a beautiful job!

Now that Dave is retired, we've decided to implement some of the ideas we've talked about over the past several years. Last summer, Dave updated our porch railing. There really was nothing wrong with the old railing. We just wanted a fresh look for the house. We talked about using the old railing as a garden accent in our hosts bed in the back yard. Dave started on this project Wednesday afternoon, and it looks like we'll get to check this one off the list tomorrow. Of course we then need to select the next project!


  1. Always a lot to do in house and garden! Love the spruced up gnome.

  2. She did a wonderful job with your gnome, and your tatting is looking beautiful

  3. Your doily is terrific and the fenced garden looks great!! :)


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