I can't believe it... I finally managed to post a picture of myself! I don't know what I did, and it's not my favorite picture, but I managed to get it on there.
This is the last day of Dave's vacation, so I should be able to spend some guilt-free time on all the things I love! We went to Minnesota to visit Andrea, Jake, and Lily. I was the lucky one... I was given babysitting duty while everyone else hung drywall, planted grass seed, killed poison ivy, and painted.
I was working on my crocheted curtains and Lily asked me what I was doing. I told her and she watched very intently. After a few minutes, she said, "It's like knipping." I had to laugh! I thought maybe she remembered helping me knit on her sweater at Easter time, but I think it's more likely that she's been watching Andrea knit a bag that she's going to felt.
I finished the A.B.C. Murders by Agatha Christie this morning... just what I needed for a light summer read. I can't believe it took me so many years to read one of her books! By the way, I do know that the titles of books should be underlined or italicized, but for some reason the keyboard commands don't work on my Mac... instead, my mail window opens!
Hooray for adding pictures! It's delightful to "see" you! Your family is beautiful! And I LOVE Agatha Christie!!!