We've had unbelievably cold temperatures here in Chicagoland... so cold that school was closed on Thursday and Friday. So, what did I do with my free time? A little bit of everything! I emptied some more tatting shuttles. The myrtlewood shuttles are from
Grizzly Mountain Arts. The ceramic shuttles are from
LadyShuttleMaker. As you can see, I tatted some more Leaf Braid from
Tatting with Visual Patterns by Mary Konior. I also tatted some Easy Edge from
Learn to Tat by Janette Baker.

I also decided to work with my rug loom since I had such success making the rag placemat. The loom is 2' x 3'... a nice size rug!

Here is the loom all warped and ready to weave! I need to cut strips for weaving, which I'll probably do on Monday. The placemat took me two full days to make, so I'm sure the rug will take a while.

I also decided to make some more Springerle cookies, using each of my molds and my rolling pin. This picture is of the cookies drying for about 10 hours. I made lemon flavored ones this time. Carol liked these a lot, and they are good, but Dave and I both prefer the anise flavor. These are the first two molds I bought. I love the little pictures!

I bought the rolling pin after I made my second batch of cookies. The rolling pin will take a little practice, but I'm sure I'll get my technique down with each new batch. The cookie stamp was a Christmas present from my sister-in-law, and it makes the perfect size cookie! I hope I get some more of these as Christmas presents next year... they're wonderful!
I also worked on Dave's afghan. Yesterday morning it was 40" long... it's supposed to be 60". I figured out that I need 10 more pattern repeats. I've finished 1 1/2 pattern repeats since I last measured. The end is in sight!
As if that isn't enough, I started knitting Evelyn A. Clark's Swallowtail Shawl. If only I could stay focused on one thing! Of course, I'm never bored, because I can flit from one project to another. Maybe I have fiber art ADD!
P.S. - Easy Edge is #5 for the
25 Motif Challenge.