Thursday, January 11, 2018

Sub day

I subbed in second grade today, and I had a wonderful time! The teacher was well organized. The kids were well behaved. It was a perfect day.

The only downside was that I only had time to tat one Ice Drop. This is a basic Ice Drop with picots on the chains, which gives it an extra frilly look. Why two shuttles? They were filled with thread, and I used one as the shuttle and one as the ball. I find it much easier to carry two shuttles with me, and a shuttle doesn't take up nearly as much space as a ball of thread.

Both of these beautiful shuttles are by Rita Richmond of Shuttle by Design. Rita is such a talented lady, and I am happy to count her as one of my friends!


  1. Ah, that's a good tip, using a shuttle instead of a ball when you're out and about, thanks.

  2. Love those shuttles and dropπŸ’œπŸ˜„πŸ’œ

  3. Gorgeous shuttles and such a pretty Ice Drop!!! :)


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