Saturday, January 20, 2018

Test tatting

I had the great honor of test tatting Robin Perfetti's new pattern, Classic Heart. I tatted it two times and found both the written directions and the diagram very easy to follow. This one is done in size 20 Lizbeth #173, Purple Marble.

One of my tatting friends asked if I had tried tatting around a heart shaped gem. I hadn't, so I decided to give it a try. I think it looks more like Minnie Mouse than a heart, but at least I gave it a try!


  1. Oh I like this heart and just bought the pattern hope to make it soon.
    Also love this heart/mini mouse πŸ˜„πŸ’œit has great look what ever you call it

    1. I think you will enjoy the pattern! I've made two so far, and I plan on making more! As for the Ice Drop... let's just say my brain is on overload!

  2. Robin's heart is splendid! Calling your heart Minnie Mouse is very harsh. It's a good prototype!

    1. Thanks, Jane! I did dream of ways to improve it. Let's just say that it's not quite ready for prime time!

  3. Thank you for test tatting, Diane. I always appreciate your help :)


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