Sunday, August 25, 2019

Cleanup day

We still have lots of cleanup work to do after the storm last week. Today Dave harvested the onions. The plants were pretty much destroyed by hail, and he didn't want to lose the entire crop. This looks like a good amount of onions, but it's far less than we had last year.

We have two brush piles going, with a lot more left to clear out. Once all the branches are out of the way, Dave will be able to cut up the larger branches and tree trunks for firewood. I have a feeling we're going to be doing this for a while. I may even develop muscles!

I didn't take time out for crafting until after dinner. I think I'm making pretty good progress on my Mud Cloth Inspired Throw!


  1. Do you sell your produce? Or just put up for family?
    Love the mud cloth pattern inspired afghan too😊

    1. We put it up for family and give extras to friends. Years ago we sold produce, but we gave it up just before we built our house. Growing and selling produce is a lot of work!

  2. Glad you were able to have some of your onions!!!
    Your throw looks great!! :)
    I can't imagine you as a muscular hunk. ;)


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