Thursday, February 22, 2024

Another start


This morning I started Renulek's Spring Doily 2024. I know the pattern is available for free on her blog, but I chose to purchase the pattern on Etsy. 

I have five colors chosen, but I may change my mind. This is size 20 Lizbeth #623 Raspberry Pink Lt. Now I have to decide which color to use next!


  1. It is really pretty in that color.

  2. Beautiful start. I don’t want to do the whole doily, but I’m tempted to do part of it.

  3. Very beautiful!!!! I can't wait to see all the colors and how beautiful it grows!! :)

  4. Beautiful start, I look forward to seeing your progress

  5. I always purchase her patterns. I try to support designers. So far I have all her spring napkins. I am thinking of getting her other doily patterns too. She does wonderful work.


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