Wednesday, May 5, 2021

I did it again!

I made another big mistake on round 13 of Renulek's Spring 2021 doily. Do you see it? There's an extra section of chain that shouldn't be there. The funny thing is, I kept looking at that spot thinking that something wasn't right. I decided to do a quick press before taking a picture for today's post, and the mistake popped up as clear as day. There was nothing left to do but snip, and I snipped off nearly half of what I had tatted.

The correction has been made, and now I know of another pitfall that I need to watch for!



  1. Oh man! I am glad you got it fixed!! :)
    I just started this row again. I have 3 repeats done so far, but it's time to set aside for the night!! ;)

    1. It's really not a difficult round. I just need to pay attention!

  2. Oops, I’m tempted to say. Round 16 looks rather tricky. I’ll have to concentrate.

    1. Oops is exactly how I felt when I saw my mistake! I guess it's a good thing I enjoy tatting! ;-)

  3. You have got it fixed immediately. Nice. Beautiful looking doily.

    1. There's much less stress involved if I take care of my mistakes right away!

  4. A tévedést felfedezn felismerni, rettenetes és javitani... utána a sok fonalvég..én javitottam, de meggyűlt a bajom a sok fonalvéggel...Ma elkezdtem a 16 kört... fel lehet kötni a gatyát hozzá...még raffináltabb mint ez a kör...Sok sikert hozzá!

    1. Thanks for the warning! I'll be sure to pay close attention when I get that far!


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