Thursday, September 30, 2021


Subbing has been crazy this week! There's a terrible sub shortage, and this week I have subbed for multiple teachers in addition to doing my own job each day. I'm happy that I'm able to help out, but I sure am glad that I don't have to do all the planning. I just show up, go where they tell me to go, and follow the teacher's instructions. Luckily, we have great kids in our school district, so there are seldom any problems.

I have been tatting while subbing, something that's easy to do at the high school level.

Yesterday I subbed in the middle school, so there wasn't as much time to tat.

Today I'll be subbing in the elementary school, so there will be no time to tat.

I guess I'll just have to see how much I can sneak in before and after school!


  1. Your retirement looks very busy! I like the colourful ones in the top picture best of these ones.

    1. Those are my favorite also! Blogger used to post multiple photos in chronological order. That changed a while ago. So, the group at the top was actually the last that I finished. Some days I take the time to post the photos individually; other days I'm too lazy!

  2. Your teaching days certainly give you time to tat, and you thought you had retired, beautiful button and bottle top ornaments


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