Friday, December 3, 2021

Cookie break

I took a break from tatting and knitting yesterday to bake some more Springerle cookies for Christmas.

I tried a different recipe and a new rolling pin. The rolling pin does not have the deep carvings that give good definition to the cookie pictures, so I don't think these cookies are as pretty as others I have made.

The new-to-me recipe was easy to follow, but I prefer the flavor of Kitchen Vixen's recipe. You never know if there's something better out there if you don't try, right?

Mom and I went grocery shopping yesterday afternoon, so now I have the ingredients to make even more Springerle cookies. Now all I need is more time to do everything I want to do!



  1. I bet those cookies taste yummy!(>‿◠)

  2. I don’t know Springerle, I’ll have to look it up. At a glance these ones don’t look as pretty as the previous ones. I’m sure they taste just as good though!

  3. Wow! You are becoming a cookie queen too! :)
    Now that is a title I would love, but I am just too lazy!!! ;)


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