Monday, January 11, 2021

January 11 button ornament

Today is my brother's birthday. I'd like to say that I designed an ornament for his birthday, but I didn't. I just happened to design one on his birthday. Happy birthday, David!

Does this look familiar? I added a second round to the January 10 ornament.

January 11 Button Ornament


5/8" four hole button

size 20 thread

2 shuttles wound continuous thread method


+ join

- joining picot

Round 1:

Ring 3 - 3 + 3 - 3, reverse work (join to button)

Chain 6, reverse work

*Ring 3 + 3 + 3 - 3, reverse work (join to picot on previous ring and to button)

Chain 6, reverse work**

Repeat from * to ** around, with three joins in each hole, joining final chain to base of 

first ring.

Round 2:

Split ring 6/6, do not reverse work

Chain 12, reverse work

*Ring 6 + 6, reverse work (join to base of ring on previous round), reverse work

Chain 12, reverse work**

Repeat from * to ** around, joining last chain to base of first ring.

Cut, tie, and hide ends.

My friend Shelley was inspired to adapt my Doodle Ice Drop as a button. I love the thread color, and I LOVE all those picots!

I was inspired to try Shelley's tourtiere recipe. It was delicious! We had it for dinner both last night and tonight, and there's just enough left for lunch tomorrow. It's been a while since I've tried a new recipe. This was a great way to start out the new year!

I seem to have Doodles on the brain today. A doodle donut started my day.

A doodle button quickly followed. I'd like to say I'm going to tat a Doodle Ice Drop tonight, but I think my tatting for the day is done!


  1. I think I'm relieved to hear you're done for the day! So gorgeous though, I can see why you go on to the next one.

    1. They're kind of like potato chips... I can't eat just one, and I can't seem to tat just one!

  2. Wow! So busy and so much done!! Everything looks fabulous!! :)

  3. Happy birthday to your brother! I say you're starting the New Year creatively!


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