Saturday, September 28, 2024

Bookmark day

I didn't finish a bookmark yesterday. I forgot to join on the next to the last ring, and it seemed to take forever to open that ring. I worked on it last night and this morning, and then successfully tatted the final two rings.

This is Braid: Five Rings from Robin Perfetti's Four Dozen Tatted Bookmarks. I used size 20 Lizbeth #679 Lime Green. As I'm going through these patterns, I'm realizing that if I had understood math a little better when I was in school, I might have been able to design lots of patterns. Thank goodness there are designers like Robin who experiment and then offer up there designs for the rest of us!

When I became frustrated with trying to open that little ring last night, I shifted to another Curds & Whey bookmark. I then finished it this morning. The thread is size 20 Lizbeth #103 Tutti Fruitti.

Since I'm on a roll with bookmarks, I decided to try out the next Robin Perfetti design, Frills. This is also in size 20 Lizbeth. The color is #107 Tropical Fruit. I think I could have made this one or two pattern repeats longer, so I may try tatting it again. 

We had a wonderful Tollway Tatters meeting this morning. Those of us who weren't fortunate enough to attend Palmetto Tat Days were able to hear about the classes and facility from those who did attend. It would be fun to make it back there. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the coming year brings.

I think it's time to start another bookmark!

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