Friday, September 13, 2024

Finishing projects


This was a great week for finishing projects. I started this beanie months ago. It sat in a basket by my chair pretty much neglected. The color is unsparing, and it just wasn't a joy to use. Still, I was determined to finish it, and now that it's done I think it looks pretty good.

I finished the second scarf for my 7th grade girls. Yes, I have started the third one.

I had enough of the uninspiring grey yarn left for another beanie. I decided to crochet this one. I still don't like the yarn, but I've used it up! I'm sure someone will like this color, but it sure looks blah to me.

Renulek's Snow Doily is coming along nicely. I just love the way this round is worked!

1 comment:

  1. I like the hats, though I agree the colour is a bit dull. Bright pom pom on top? I’m hoping to finish two projects today too.


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