Friday, September 6, 2024

School knitting


I have about a 25 minute break between the two high school lunches that I supervise, so I've been taking knitting with me for something to do during that time. This scarf pattern is from one of my favorite knitting books, Sequence Knitting by Cecelia Compochiaro. The book is expensive, but it is one of the best investments I've ever made. The pattern is Ruddock, one of my favorites in the book.

Two middle school girls have been asking me about my progress on the scarf on a regular basis. They're fascinated by knitting. I've started another scarf. It's easy to stay motivated with an audience!


  1. That’s a fabulous scarf. Hopefully your audience will be encouraged by your example to learn to knit.

  2. Lovely scarf - stitch and colourway!


Just like you, I love getting feedback!