Monday, September 19, 2011

I love my dining room table!

It belonged to my mom and dad.

It's great for family gatherings!

And when there just isn't enough space in my sewing room...

it makes a great work table!

While Dave worked on the replacing siding all weekend (yes, even in the rain), I worked on the binding for my quilt. The machine stitching went fairly quickly, but the hand sewn part is taking forever! I've stitched about 2/3 of the seam binding, so I know my quilt will be ready for the big cold snap when it arrives.

Yes, I did spend some time tatting!

I'm about half way around the next to the last row. My goal is to finish the quilt and the doily this week. Wish me luck!


  1. Ola! Diane
    querida e amada amiga
    família reunida é sempre muito gratificante, parabéns sua família és bela.
    quanto aos trabalhos manuais, você até parece uma máquina, quantos e quantos trabalhos bonitos faz, mais uma vez meus parabéns pela sua disposição em faze-los.
    Um grandioso bj no seu coração, fique com o mestre Maior "JESUS" abençoando sempre o seu belo LAR.
    sua amiga

  2. Can't wait to see them both finished and I bet you feel the same too!! Both are fabulous and represent SO many hours of work too.

  3. I wish you luck and hope you have fun too!

    Isn't it exciting to see the end of long projects like these?

  4. First thing, your dining room is gorgeous! I love those walls... Alot of times wood is so dark, but that's nice!

  5. You have sometimes written that you don't accomplish as much as other tatters or crafters, and that you imagine how much more you could do if you were retired!

    In fact, you have begun and finished so many projects at such an astonishing rate that it makes my head swim! I truly don't know how you keep up this level of energy! (And I really thought that the doily was finished! LOL!)

    The dining room table (lots of great memories!) is the only place you could have managed to do that binding! I've used mine for managing larger sewing projects, too. I'm glad to know your sewing room looks like mine!

  6. bonam fortunam! I'll write more at Christmas break- ha ha! I can't believe how much you get done during the school year!

  7. Beautiful, your quilt is looks lovely and the tatting is coming along beautifully I looks forward to seeing them when they are finished.

  8. Yoiur parents look quite happy. How wonderful to have their dining table with lots of room and memories. You are making excellent progress on both these projects. You will certainly be done in no time. Happy binding and tatting...

  9. Hi Diane
    How many works you have done during my absence.
    What a wondeful family!

  10. both the quilt and the doily are looking great! have fun, diane!

  11. It's definitely a great feeling when the end is in sight on not only 1 but 2 beautiful looking projects. Looking forward to seeing your finished projects :)

  12. wonderful quilt, you did an awesome job on the quilt and doily. My son would just love your home with all that wood, its beautiful.


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