Wednesday, November 4, 2020


Today was the day to get back to tatting snowflakes! These are Snowflake #2 and Snowflake #3 from Robin Perfetti's Four Dozen Tatted Snowflakes. I had tatted #2 incorrectly the other day. After a false start today (read that as I made a mistake), I tatted it up pretty quickly. 

I had two false starts with Snowflake #3. I don't know what my problem is with reading patterns lately. I think I'm too confident in my ability to look once and know what I'm doing. Guess what? I've found that I really need to pay close attention to the pattern!


  1. They look great!!! :)
    Hmmm...with all your hubby does, hasn't he taught you measure twice cut once(for tatters that is read twice tat once). ;)

  2. Ah yes, I know the feeling! Pretty snowflakes.

    1. I always think I'm going to tat every snowflake in the book, so I keep buying snowflake patterns. I have never tatted every snowflake in the book!

  3. The problem with reading patterns is probably because you no longer have an appendix to help you!?!?!?


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